Category: Financial Security 2015
10/8/2015 - Women Are a Quarter Million Dollars Short of Retirement
by admin on October 8, 2015 7:09 pm
Lower earnings and longer lives—it’s a powerful one-two punch, and it threatens to keep women on the ropes in retirement. A recent study measured the retirement savings divide between 45-year-old men and women. It found that women, on average, are more than $268,000 short of what they need to retire comfortably at 65. For the average man, it’s $212,000.… Read more 10/8/2015 - Women Are a Quarter Million Dollars Short of Retirement
10/1/2015 - The Real Reason People Don't Save Enough for Retirement
by admin on October 1, 2015 5:13 pm
Trying to educate the undisciplined shifts the blame from where it should be: on America’s lousy savings plans. Read the full article at The Atlantic.
9/29/2015 - The Biggest Reason Workers Don’t Save for Retirement
by admin on September 29, 2015 4:26 pm
Why are only about half of American workers saving for retirement through their workplace? According to the Government Accountability Office, it’s largely because their employers do not offer savings plans like a 401(k). Of all the workers who aren’t currently saving through their employer, 68% work for an employer that doesn’t offer a plan and… Read more 9/29/2015 - The Biggest Reason Workers Don’t Save for Retirement
9/28/2015 - Leisure Inequality: What the Rich-Poor Longevity Gap Will Do to Retirement
by admin on September 28, 2015 4:57 pm
In American society, those who live the longest get to enjoy years of relaxation, but those with the shortest life expectancies tend to work into their final years. Read the full article at The Atlantic.
9/23/2015 - These Americans have yet to recover from the recession (MarketWatch)
by djaworski on September 23, 2015 6:35 pm
The Great Recession is officially over, but one group of Americans is struggling to leave it behind. Members of Generation X, defined by most demographers as those born between 1965 and 1980 and now in their 30s and 40s, are carrying higher debt, “and appear to be remarkably complacent about its implications for their financial… Read more 9/23/2015 - These Americans have yet to recover from the recession (MarketWatch)
9/23/2015 - Why Millions of Americans Are Raiding Their Retirement Savings
by admin on September 23, 2015 5:21 pm
Yes, you can tap your 401(k) early, but it’s a terrible idea. With the effects of the financial crisis still lingering, 30 million Americans in the last 12 months tapped retirement savings to pay for an unexpected expense, new research shows. This undercuts financial security and underscores the need for every household to maintain an… Read more 9/23/2015 - Why Millions of Americans Are Raiding Their Retirement Savings
9/15/2015 - Here's How Wide the Retirement Gap Is Between Men and Women
by admin on September 15, 2015 6:30 pm
Men are short of a standard goal by $270,000. Women? Half a million dollars, according to a new report. Read the full article at Bloomberg.
9/8/2015 - AARP Survey: Today’s ‘Retirement’ Dream Often Includes a Job
by admin on September 8, 2015 9:03 pm
Don’t expect boomers to jump into retirement and pursue a life of full-time leisure. Once they leave the workforce, many of them want to, well, continue working — often in an entirely new field. That’s according to a new survey by AARP of nearly 5,000 workers ages 50 to 64. More than one-third of those… Read more 9/8/2015 - AARP Survey: Today’s ‘Retirement’ Dream Often Includes a Job
9/4/2015 - Raising the Retirement Age: A Sneaky Way to Reduce Social Security Benefits
by admin on September 4, 2015 4:49 pm
Some Republican candidates are promoting a policy change that would hurt workers by disguising it with a pleasant-sounding phrase. Read the full article at The Atlantic.
8/27/2015 - Gen X: Sleeping Through The Retirement Wake-Up Call
by admin on August 27, 2015 8:21 pm
A few new studies show that although Gen X’ers have begun turning 50 this year — the youngest of them are about 35 — this cohort behind the boomers just doesn’t seem to want to wake up to retirement reality. Read the full article at Forbes.