Category: Financial Security 2015

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5/20/2015 - Did we get the ‘old-age dependency’ of aging countries all wrong?

by on May 20, 2015 6:28 pm
The old-age dependency ratio has a fundamental weakness: its current definition still makes us believe that after 65 you become an “old-age dependent.” Yet this will simply not be true in the future. Read the full article at The Brookings Institution.

5/20/2015 - A promising trend in taking Social Security benefits

by on May 20, 2015 6:19 pm
Not all news is bad when it comes to Social Security benefits. A recent study of claims data shows that the percentage of workers turning age 62 who start Social Security benefits at that age has declined significantly since 1996. Read the full article by Center on Longevity Research Scholar Steve Vernon at CBS MoneyWatch.

5/14/2015 - New York Times - special section on retirement

by on May 14, 2015 9:00 pm
New York Times special section on retirement, linking to several articles on the topic. Read more at The New York Times.

5/12/2015 - This Is a Horrible Realization About Retirement

by on May 12, 2015 9:30 pm
Multiple surveys reveal that Americans are getting increasingly jaded about their prospects for enjoying a relaxing retirement, so much so that many are throwing in the towel and not even bothering to plan for it at all. According to a survey of 2,000 Americans conducted for Allianz Life, 84% of them characterize the idea of… Read more 5/12/2015 - This Is a Horrible Realization About Retirement
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5/8/2015 - Some New Math for the 4 Percent Retirement Rule

by on May 8, 2015 9:16 pm
The most widely referenced rule of thumb in financial vernacular, known as the 4 percent rule, found that retirees who withdrew 4 percent of their initial retirement portfolio balance, and then adjusted that dollar amount for inflation each year thereafter, would have created a paycheck that lasted for 30 years. The concept has been both… Read more 5/8/2015 - Some New Math for the 4 Percent Retirement Rule
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4/30/2015 - 1 in 5 Elderly Americans Dies Broke, Survey Shows

by on April 30, 2015 9:04 pm
46% of Americans had less than $10,000 in financial assets in the last year of their life. Read the full article at Time.
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4/29/2015 - The 50+ Worker: Talented, Vital, But Where's The Demand?

by on April 29, 2015 5:23 pm
Two studies released in the last two weeks characterize the value and strengths of older workers in the American economy — and decry their underuse in the American workplace. Last week, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) released its 2015 Retirement Confidence Survey and found, among other things, that the percentage of people expecting to… Read more 4/29/2015 - The 50+ Worker: Talented, Vital, But Where's The Demand?
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4/29/2015 - For boomers, it's the retirement plan that never happened

by on April 29, 2015 5:19 pm
Call it the retirement that never was. The oldest baby boomers are turning 69 years old this year, yet many are still working and have no plans to go anywhere. Read the full article at CNBC.

4/28/2015 - Will childless Millennials turn America into Japan?

by on April 28, 2015 5:33 pm
Here’s a recipe for an economic armageddon: Take a rapidly aging society and a younger generation that’s not having kids. The result? An incredible shrinking economy that’s also burdened by huge costs to its Social Security and tax systems. Read the full article at CBS MoneyWatch.
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4/28/2015 - Finding a second career may be easier than you think

by on April 28, 2015 5:23 pm
Your chances of finding a new career in later life – one that pays you more and brings you more satisfaction – could be better than you think. That’s the primary finding in a study published this month by the American Institute for Economic Research, a nonprofit group based in Great Barrington, Mass. The report,… Read more 4/28/2015 - Finding a second career may be easier than you think