Category: Longevity News 2016

4/22/2016 - Rich People Are Living Longer. That’s Tilting Social Security in Their Favor.

by on April 22, 2016 6:35 pm
a large body of research shows that the rich live longer — and that the life span gap between rich and poor is growing. And that means that the progressive ideal built into the design of Social Security is, gradually, being thwarted. In some circumstances, the program can actually be regressive, offering richer benefits to… Read more 4/22/2016 - Rich People Are Living Longer. That’s Tilting Social Security in Their Favor.

4/22/2016 - Dementia: Dementia incidence — the times, they are a-changing

by on April 22, 2016 6:30 pm
A new study reports that the incidence of dementia in one population has declined by over 40% between the 1970s and 2010s. The finding could have implications for the future prevalence of dementia, and illustrates the importance of environmental factors in the risk of dementia disorders. Read the full article at Nature.

4/21/2016 - These Are the Genes Behind Healthy Aging

by on April 21, 2016 6:27 pm
In one of the largest studies involving people who stay healthy into old age, researchers found some interesting clues behind how they get that way — and it has little to do with genes for longevity. Read the full article at Time.

4/20/2016 - White Americans Are Dying Younger as Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rises

by on April 20, 2016 4:55 pm
Life expectancy declined slightly for white Americans in 2014, according to new federal data, a troubling sign that distress among younger and middle-age whites who are dying at ever-higher rates from drug overdoses is lowering average life spans for the white population as a whole. Read the full article at The New York Times.

4/20/2016 - Getting People to Move More

by on April 20, 2016 4:49 pm
Since the release of the first National Physical Activity Plan, by an alliance that includes the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Health and Human Services, physical activity levels in the United States have barely budged, and for many people, they have declined. According to… Read more 4/20/2016 - Getting People to Move More

4/20/2016 - Can testing 'mental maps' find Alzheimer's sooner?

by on April 20, 2016 4:42 pm
Increasing difficulties with building cognitive maps of new surroundings could herald the eventual clinical onset of Alzheimer’s—long before a clinical diagnosis is possible. Read the full article at Futurity.

4/20/2016 - Retirement Life: Women And Men Do It Very Differently

by on April 20, 2016 4:39 pm
Imagine you’re about to retire. Clean slate, free days. What will you do with yourself? The answer depends, in large part, on whether you’re a woman or a man. Read the full article at Forbes.

4/18/2016 - The Math of Retirement Saving and Spending

by on April 18, 2016 4:23 pm
Are you saving too little for retirement? Are you spending too much in retirement? Are you maximizing your Social Security benefits? Those are among the questions retirees and soon-to-be retirees often grapple with. The Wall Street Journal’s Experts panel recently addressed some of those and other concerns–with a fresh perspective on some of the conventional… Read more 4/18/2016 - The Math of Retirement Saving and Spending

4/18/2016 - Secrets Of The Very Old And Healthy — Start When You're Young

by on April 18, 2016 3:22 pm
When it comes to getting old, some of us are a lot better at it than others. If I’m going to live to be 95 I would much prefer to be healthy, cogent and content. So I want to know the secrets of the healthy and very old. Fortunately, scientists are starting to figure that… Read more 4/18/2016 - Secrets Of The Very Old And Healthy — Start When You're Young

4/16/2016 - You're taking care of someone with Alzheimer's, but who is taking care of you?

by on April 16, 2016 5:13 pm
“Caregiver stress is a very real thing. The person who has Alzheimer’s, they don’t experience stress in the same way that a caregiver does. For them, every moment is new. The caregivers are the ones that worry about the future and worry about the past and worry about the present. They’re constantly worrying about finances,… Read more 4/16/2016 - You're taking care of someone with Alzheimer's, but who is taking care of you?