Category: Financial Landing 2016

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1/20/20-15 - How to get guaranteed retirement income for life (CNN)

by on January 20, 2016 9:26 pm
Given how the market’s been misbehaving lately, it makes perfect sense that immediate annuities’ lifetime payments would hold greater-than-usual appeal to people who are retired or getting ready to call it a career.Even aside from the obvious financial security that assured monthly income can bring, payouts that are guaranteed not to go down no matter how much the market… Read more 1/20/20-15 - How to get guaranteed retirement income for life (CNN)
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1/19/2016 - A new approach to do-it-yourself retirement planning (CBS Moneywatch)

by on January 19, 2016 6:52 pm
With the decline of traditional pensions, many older workers and retirees face a “do it yourself” retirement: You’re on your own to figure out how to make your retirement savings last for the rest of your life. With retirements that can extend 20 to 30 years or more, this is indeed a daunting challenge for… Read more 1/19/2016 - A new approach to do-it-yourself retirement planning (CBS Moneywatch)
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1/18/2016 - As More Pay by Smartphone, Banks Scramble to Keep Up (The New York Times)

by on January 19, 2016 6:45 pm
Americans in their 20s and early 30s, analysts say, offer a glimpse of tomorrow’s banking market. “Their relationship with the financial system is very different — it’s an electronic one, on their smartphones,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. “That can and will be very disruptive to the banking system.” Money is pouring… Read more 1/18/2016 - As More Pay by Smartphone, Banks Scramble to Keep Up (The New York Times)