Katrin Chua

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology, Gerontology and Metabolism)

Department: Medicine, Endocrinology

Research interests: Molecular processes that underlie aging and age-associated pathologies in mammals;focusing on a family of genes, the SIRTs, which regulate stress resistance and lifespan in lower organisms such as yeast, worms, and flies;ways in which SIRT factors may contribute to cellular and organismal aging by regulating resistance to various forms of stress;how SIRT factors regulate chromatin, the molecular structure in which the DNA of mammalian genomes is packaged, and how such functions may link genome maintenance to stress resistance and aging.

Email: kfchua@stanford.edu

Stanford University Medical Center
300 Pasteur Drive
Grant Bldg., Rm. S-025
Stanford, California 94305

Website: http://med.stanford.edu/profiles/Katrin_Chua/