3/2/2015 – 7 Steps to a Financially Secure Retirement (USA Today)

Preparing financially for retirement may seem virtually impossible. How can you tuck away enough money for your later years given your limited income and never-ending expenses?It’s no wonder that a recent survey showed a third of people in the USA have nothing saved for their golden years.

“Retirement is a big stew, and there are so many ingredients that you don’t know how the recipe is going to come out,” says Eleanor Blayney, consumer advocate for the Certified Financial Planner Board. You don’t know how healthy you’ll be, how long you’ll live and how the markets will perform, she says. But there are several steps you can take to have a more financially secure future. Instead of focusing on what you can’t control, says Blayney, focus on what you can control. These things include your current spending, your savings rate and the allocation of your assets.

Read the full article at USA Today.