4/6/2015 – Survey: Saving for retirement is not a priority for many (Benefits Pro)

A full 45 percent of non-retired Americans are not saving for retirement, according to a study by financial services firm Edward Jones.

The study, based on interviews with 1,009 Americans both retired and non-retired, further found that 8 percent said they had no intention to save for retirement at all at any point in their lives.

The study indicated that 58 percent of the youngest population polled, those in the 18-34 age bracket, had not yet started saving for retirement. However, 90 percent of those who were polled in this age bracket said that they plan to start saving in their 30s or earlier. As is often the case, older Americans polled tended to say they were doing more saving for retirement than younger respondents.

Read the full article at Benefits Pro.