4/20/2015 – U.S. Parents’ College Funding Worries are Top Money Concern (Gallup)

More U.S. parents worry about having enough money to pay for their children’s college education than other Americans worry about any common financial concerns. The 73% of parents of children younger than 18 who worry about funding college tops the 70% of lower-income Americans who worry about having enough money to pay for medical costs in the event of a serious illness or accident.

Reflecting that retirement has been the top overall worry each of the 15 years Gallup has conducted the poll, six of the top 10 greatest financial worries by subgroup are about retirement. The six groups with the greatest worry about having enough money for retirement are 30- to 49-year-olds, 50- to 64-year-olds, parents of minor children, those living in lower-income households, Hispanics and married women. Hispanics’ worry about having enough money to pay for a serious medical issue and lower-income Americans’ worry about maintaining their standard of living fill the remaining spots in the list of the 10 greatest financial concerns by subgroup.

Read the full article at Gallup.