5/22/2015 – The Risks and Rewards of Self-Managing Portfolios (The New York Times)

There are good reasons for retirees to manage their own financial lives: Saving money on fees is one benefit, and more closely aligning investments with personal goals is another.

But there is dangerous ground along the way: Taxes, estate planning, rules around gifting to relatives, timing of withdrawals from retirement accounts and other issues can be immensely complex and are getting more so.

Although retirement confidence has been rising somewhat since the end of the last recession, it’s still shaky. A recent Deloitte Center for Financial Services studyfound that “45 percent of respondents felt ‘very secure’ in having enough savings and income to maintain a comfortable retirement lifestyle, a sizable jump from the 28 percent in Deloitte’s initial survey in 2012.”

Read the full article in The New York Times.