7/7/2015 – Lower and Middle-Income Mothers Most Financially Stressed (Plan Adviser)

Nearly one-quarter, 23%, of employees feel “high” or “overwhelming” financial stress, up from only 18% in 2012 and 19% in 2011, according to a survey by Financial Finesse, a provider of financial education to workers. Across all age groups, women experience significantly higher levels of financial stress than men, with the most frazzled group being women between the ages of 30 and 55 with minor children and annual incomes below $60,000. More than half, 55%, of this group feels elevated levels of financial stress. The least financially stressed group is men younger than 30 or older than 55 with no minor children and annual incomes above $100,000, with only 6% of these groups experiencing financial stress.

Read the full article in Plan Adviser.