8/27/2015 – Gen X: Sleeping Through The Retirement Wake-Up Call (Forbes)
Northwestern Mutual’s report, The Gen X Retirement Dilemma, noted that Gen X’ers had the highest levels of financial insecurity of all U.S. generations. A striking 82% said they won’t have enough saved to retire comfortably; 18% don’t think they’ll ever be able to retire. That may be partly because 37% of Gen X’ers told Northwestern Mutual they’ve taken no steps to plan for their financial future. And they concede needing help: 66% said they think their financial planning needs improvement; by contrast, 58% of Americans overall felt that way. In the Allianz Life Generations Apart survey that came out in May 2015, when Gen X’ers were asked how they were planning for retirement, 46% said they’d “just figure it out when I get there.”
Read the full article in Forbes.