10/4/2015 – The 4 Things to Do Before Retirement (The Wall Street Journal)
The size of your nest egg isn’t the only thing you should be focused on as you close in on retirement.So say financial planners and experts, who point to several financial moves investors can make in the years before they leave work that might help them preserve their savings, reduce their tax bills and provide for loved ones and heirs.The decisions made during these critical years, experts say, can play a key role in determining whether an investor has a regret-free retirement or not (at least financially).“Thirty or 40 years ago, there was nothing to regret. There were fewer 401(k) plans, no Roth options, etc.,” says Lee Martin, a certified financial planner with Bellevue, Wash.-based TRUEretirement, whose clients tend to be in retirement or within 10 years of it. “But chances for regret have skyrocketed with all the choices out there.”
Read the full article in The Wall Street Journal.