12/4/2015 – The Boomers’ Gnawing Worry About Social Security (Forbes)
The Hearts and Wallets survey, Investor Mindset: Attitudes, Concerns, Beliefs & Goals, asked 5,365 U.S. households whether they agreed with this statement: “I feel confident I’ll receive the Social Security benefits promised me.” Just 51% of pre-retirees (households whose primary breadwinner plans to retire within five years) and 51% of post-retirees (ones where the primary breadwinner has stopped working full-time) felt confident about getting their promised Social Security benefits. That’s down from 53% and 55% a year ago, respectively. Overall, just 37% of U.S. households felt confident they’d get the Social Security they’re due (down from 39% in 2014).
Read the full article in Forbes.