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Center to Co-Host Law and Policy Symposium on “The Developing Brain: Neuroscience from Womb to Death”

Working with the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences and the Hastings College of the Law, the Center on Longevity will be hosting a two-day symposium on the shifting legal and policy implications of new developments in neuroscience. The event will unfold along developmental lines.

DAY 1: Hastings College of the Law
San Francisco, CA

  • Topics: Issues of childhood and adolescence ranging from prenatal neurological development to adolescent brain development and its effects on possible changes in criminal law.

DAY 2: Stanford University
Stanford, CA

  • Topics:  The effects of neurological changes in later life with panels on aging and decision-making, financial fraud and the elderly, prediction of Alzheimer ’s disease, and end of life decisions.

Both days will be structured around a series of panel discussions including both scientific and legal experts.  The Stanford host will be Faculty Affiliate and Professor of Law Hank Greely, who regularly examines issues at the intersection of law and science in the Stanford Center for Law and Bioscience blog. Key talks in the symposium will be given by the Center on Longevity’s Director Laura Carstensen and Global Aging Program Director Adele Hayutin.  For more information contact Trish Gertridge at

More details at Stanford Law School