May 6-7, 2010 – Health Care and the Elderly: A Challenge for Western Countries
Adele M. Hayutin PhD, director of the Center on Longevity’s Global Aging Program, was a speaker at Health Care & the Elderly: A Challenge for Western Countries, a conference and workshop on May 6-7 at Stanford.
Dr. Hayutin discussed “Global Aging and the Challenges Ahead” and participate in a panel discussion, titled “Immigration and Population Flows: Challenges for the Health Care of Elders.”
The conference brought together researchers from Catalan universities, Stanford and other U.S. universities to discuss issues related to health care organization and delivery for older people in Western societies, particularly the United States and Catalonia.
The conference, which was organized by the Catalan Observatory at Stanford and funded by the Patronat Catalunya Món, was free and open to the public.