Category: Longevity News 2011
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10/17/2011 - Early Retirement
by admin on October 19, 2011 11:20 pm
The decision of whether or not to retire early is one to be considered carefully, and planning for an early retirement is a must. “It’s never too soon to begin planning for your retirement,” says Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain, managing director for the Stanford Center on Longevity. However, many people have questions about what to expect and… Read more 10/17/2011 - Early Retirement
10/17/2011 - For Older Job Seekers, An Even More Difficult Road
by admin on October 18, 2011 6:46 pm
Though some people have had success landing jobs in recent months, millions of Americans are still out of work. But many older people are finding it particularly difficult to get hired. Some say age discrimination is a key factor working against them. Listen to/read the full story at NPR
10/10/2011 - Forgetfulness at an early age is rarely a sign of early dementia
by admin on October 11, 2011 5:29 pm
Memory lapses can be aggravating, frustrating and even embarrassing. I also find them slightly nerve-racking, given that I have watched several relatives and family friends struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. But the truth is that occasional memory blips in your 30s — and even 40s and 50s — rarely signal a serious problem, says Susan Lehmann… Read more 10/10/2011 - Forgetfulness at an early age is rarely a sign of early dementia
10/10/2011 - New Alzheimer's Drug Shows Early Promise
by admin on October 11, 2011 5:27 pm
Alzheimer’s disease drug, gantenerumab, may help lower levels of amyloid plaque in the brains of people with the disease, an early clinical trial indicates. The new study, which appears online Oct. 10 in theArchives of Neurology, is among the first to show the effects of an anti-amyloid drug in humans with Alzheimer’s disease, but experts… Read more 10/10/2011 - New Alzheimer's Drug Shows Early Promise
9/29/2011 - Fixing the Third Rail
by admin on September 29, 2011 4:43 pm
In an interview with First Business reporter Paul Eggers, Laura Carstensen, Director of the Standford University Center on Longevity, discusses how to fix the country’s social security problem.
9/26/2011 - Coming Soon: A National Strategy on Alzheimer’s
by admin on September 27, 2011 5:25 pm
People concerned about Alzheimer’s disease and its effect on families, on the health care system, on the country as a whole, have lobbied for years for a national action plan. How should the nation confront a disease projected to afflict more than 13 million Americans by 2050 — a disease gaining on cancer as the… Read more 9/26/2011 - Coming Soon: A National Strategy on Alzheimer’s
9/21/2011 - Longevity Gene Debate Opens Trans-Atlantic Rift
by admin on September 23, 2011 7:24 pm
A trans-Atlantic dispute has opened up between two camps of researchers pursuing a gene that could lead to drugs that enhance longevity. British scientists say the longevity gene is “nearing the end of its life,” but the Americans whose work is under attack say the approach remains as promising as ever. Read the full article… Read more 9/21/2011 - Longevity Gene Debate Opens Trans-Atlantic Rift
9/16/2011 - The Company You Keep
by admin on September 19, 2011 11:22 pm
Many older Americans are planning their retirements in more detail, from their new communities to the hometown friends they want to bring with them. Read the full article at The New York Times
9/12/2011 - For The Dying, A Chance To Rewrite Life
by admin on September 12, 2011 9:31 pm
For several decades, psychiatrists who work with the dying have been trying to come up with new psychotherapies that can help people cope with the reality of their death. One of these therapies asks the dying to tell the story of their life. Read the full article at
9/9/2011 - Older athletes push the limits
by admin on September 12, 2011 9:26 pm
Slowing down isn’t inevitable after age 35, with sustained, even increased fitness possible in later decades. Genetics has a role, but mostly it’s dedication. Read the full article in The Los Angeles Times