Category: financial security 2013
7/19/2013 - Detroit Gap Reveals Industry Dispute on Pension Math
by admin on July 19, 2013 5:06 pm
Many in Detroit were alarmed recently when, seemingly out of nowhere, a $3.5 billion hole appeared in the city’s pension system. But Detroit’s pension revelation is nothing new to many people who run pension plans for a living, the math-and-statistics whizzes known as actuaries. For several years, little noticed in the rest of the world,… Read more 7/19/2013 - Detroit Gap Reveals Industry Dispute on Pension Math
7/19/2013 - The Rise of Virtual Retirement Villages
by admin on July 19, 2013 3:31 pm
The notion of virtual retirement communities, known as “villages,” started with one group of seniors in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston in 2001. Since then, the concept has exploded. Currently, there are more than 100 villages in nearly 40 states. Read the full article at Fox News.
7/16/2013 - Elder Abuse and Technology
by admin on July 16, 2013 3:20 pm
The loss from and the impact of financial elder abuse are increasing. According to a MetLife Mature Institute report, the estimated loss due to elder financial abuse in 2011 was $2.9 billion, a 12 percent increase from 2008. Martha Deevy, director of the Financial Security Division at Stanford’s Center on Longevity agrees. “15 years ago,… Read more 7/16/2013 - Elder Abuse and Technology
7/15/2013 - A smart startegy for collecting Social Security
by admin on July 15, 2013 12:14 pm
Low- and middle-income workers who optimize their Social Security benefits can significantly improve their financial security in retirement. Yet roughly half of all Americans start Social Security benefits at age 62, the earliest possible age with the lowest amount of retirement income. Read the full article at CBS Money Watch.
7/12/2013 - Which are better, 401(k)s or pensions?
by admin on July 12, 2013 12:41 pm
Most people bemoan the loss of the traditional pension plan, and they cite its disappearance—and the rise of the save-it-yourself 401(k)—as key factors in the retirement crisis facing American workers. But new research suggests the new kid on the block is not to blame. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
7/3/2013 - Older working women may be healthier as a result
by mbeals on July 5, 2013 7:13 pm
Postmenopausal women who work tend be in better health than their unemployed counterparts, according to a new study from South Korea. Read the full article at Reuters.
7/3/2013 - Chinatown 'Blessing Scams' Target Elderly Women
by mbeals on July 3, 2013 7:16 pm
In Chinatowns around the country — in San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, New York — a peculiar financial scam is targeting elderly Chinese women. This so-called “blessing scam” isn’t much of a blessing. By asking lots of personal questions, the scammers convince their targets that they face terrible tragedy that they can only avoid if they… Read more 7/3/2013 - Chinatown 'Blessing Scams' Target Elderly Women
7/1/2013 - Aging work force requires changes like partial pensions, flexible positions
by mbeals on July 1, 2013 5:09 pm
It’s time to face the aging of Canada’s work force, experts say. From offering partial retirement plans and accommodating elderly employees to dealing with discrimination claims from both old and young workers, there is a growing need for policies and processes in the greying labour market. Read the full article at The Globe and Mail.
6/28/2013 - 5 ways to ruin your retirement
by admin on June 28, 2013 2:11 pm
For many, retirement will be the single most difficult financial mountain they will climb. In addition to the inherent challenges of saving money and making informed investments, the modern economic climate presents new obstacles for the coming generations of retirees. With increased longevity and a Social Security system doomed to fail, we must become more… Read more 6/28/2013 - 5 ways to ruin your retirement
6/27/2013 - Three Questions That Will Change Your Retirement Plans
by admin on June 27, 2013 2:03 pm
So much of retirement is focused on the dollars and cents; but money can’t buy happiness, good friends, or great health. Which is why it’s important that new and soon-to-be retirees prepare for the equally important factors associated with everyday life in retirement … the mental, the social, and the physical. Read the full article at… Read more 6/27/2013 - Three Questions That Will Change Your Retirement Plans