Category: financial security 2013
6/10/2013 - Is an Aging Workforce Less Productive?
by admin on June 10, 2013 4:09 pm
As the population grows older an increasing percentage of the workforce will be past age 60. Older workers are ordinarily thought to be less productive than younger ones, raising the question of whether an aging workforce will also be a less productive one. Read the full article at Brookings Institution.
6/9/2013 - Golden Years Tainted As Retirement Savings Dwindle
by admin on June 9, 2013 6:05 pm
For almost a century, it’s been a tenet of the American dream: Work hard enough, and you’ll get to rest and relax in your golden years. But retirement as we know it may be consigned to the dustbin of history. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
6/8/2013 - For Retirees, a Million-Dollar Illusion
by admin on June 8, 2013 6:00 pm
A million dollars isn’t what it used to be. Still, $1 million is more money than 9 in 10 American families possess. It may no longer be a symbol of boundless wealth, but as a retirementnest egg, $1 million is relatively big. It may seem like a lot to live on. But in many ways, it’s… Read more 6/8/2013 - For Retirees, a Million-Dollar Illusion
6/7/2013 - Should retirement savings be mandatory?
by admin on June 7, 2013 6:14 pm
Gone are the days of employee pensions in many job markets, which would guarantee a secure income in retirement. Unfortunately, many individuals are doing very little, or next to nothing, to replace this financial security. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
6/6/2013 - Senior citizens vulnerable to lottery scams
by admin on June 6, 2013 6:14 pm
A survey finds that those ages 55 to 74 have the greatest chance of falling victim to fraudulent prize promotions. Read the full article at USA Today.
6/5/2013 - Federal workers could enjoy a ‘phased retirement’ from the office
by admin on June 5, 2013 8:48 pm
With their pay frozen and reduced by furloughs and their credibility at times questioned, you’d think federal employees would dash for the door as soon as they were eligible to retire. Instead, many have pushed for a way to hang around the workplace a little bit longer, to ease into retirement while transferring their skills… Read more 6/5/2013 - Federal workers could enjoy a ‘phased retirement’ from the office
6/2/2013 - The Geezers Are All Right
by admin on June 2, 2013 5:57 pm
The reports of the Social Security and Medicare trustees released Friday do suggest that America’s retirement system needs some significant work. The ratio of Americans over 65 to those of working age will rise inexorably over the decades ahead, and this will translate into rising spending on Social Security and Medicare as a share of… Read more 6/2/2013 - The Geezers Are All Right
6/2/2013 - Will U.S. workers ever be able to retire?
by admin on June 2, 2013 4:35 pm
Despite the rebound in home prices and new all-time nominal highs in the stock market, many Americans are looking at an unpleasant retirement, if they even make it that far; according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s latest survey on retirement confidence, the majority of workers have saved for their golden years, but the piggy… Read more 6/2/2013 - Will U.S. workers ever be able to retire?
6/1/2013 - What to do if you cannot save for retirement?
by admin on June 1, 2013 4:43 pm
Q: What can investors do who cannot afford to save a dime for retirement? A: Investing for retirement is a sacrifice. Investors are foregoing spending now so they’ll have money to spend in the future. Some investors say saving for retirement is one thing they cannot afford or choose not to do it. The problem… Read more 6/1/2013 - What to do if you cannot save for retirement?
5/30/2013 - Boomers aren't working forever, after all
by admin on May 30, 2013 9:42 pm
Baby boomers have been talking a good game for years about working longer and reinventing the last third of life. Now that it’s game time, their retirement decisions look somewhat conventional. Read the full article at Reuters.