Category: financial security 2013
5/30/2013 - Trimming transportation costs in retirement
by admin on May 30, 2013 4:09 pm
Retirement savers are often warned about the impact of health-care and housing costs, but there’s another major expense Americans need to plan for as they age — transportation. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
5/29/2013 - For Medicare, Immigrants Offer Surplus, Study Finds
by admin on May 29, 2013 9:36 pm
Immigrants have contributed billions of dollars more to Medicare in recent years than the program has paid out on their behalf, according to a new study, a pattern that goes against the notion that immigrants are a drain on federal health care spending. Read the full article at The New York Times.
5/29/2013 - Aging America: Seeking Softer Retirement Landing
by admin on May 29, 2013 3:53 pm
There is an oft-told story about what happens when a worker at the Stanley Consultants engineering firm decides to retire. “They say you have the retirement party one day and you come back to work the next,” said Mary Jo Finchum, spokeswoman for the Muscatine, Iowa-based company. Read the full article at ABC News.
5/28/2013 - Why Gen X And Late Boomers Aren't On Track For Retirement
by admin on May 28, 2013 3:32 pm
According to a recent study, Gen X and late baby boomers are on track to replace only about half of their current income when they reach retirement — which means they’ll need to seriously downgrade their lifestyles. Most financial planners recommend replacing, at the very least, 70% of one’s income. Read the full article at… Read more 5/28/2013 - Why Gen X And Late Boomers Aren't On Track For Retirement
5/28/2013 - Live Long And Prosper: Retirement Planning Strategies For Women
by admin on May 28, 2013 3:31 pm
Let’s start with the good news. Women are living longer. A woman who turns 65 today has a 50 percent chance of living to the age of 90—three years longer than the current average life expectancy for a man. While most women probably view living longer as a positive, longevity also presents a distinct set… Read more 5/28/2013 - Live Long And Prosper: Retirement Planning Strategies For Women
5/28/2013 - AARP to coach aging Boomers 'reimagining' their lives
by admin on May 28, 2013 3:21 pm
As Boomers poise for reinvention, businesses are stepping up. Now AARP enters the fray. Read the full article at USA Today.
5/27/2013 - The New Retirement: Why You Don’t Have to Pay Off Your Mortgage
by admin on May 27, 2013 3:29 pm
Low interest rates have changed the game for retirees—but not always in a bad way. Consider your mortgage. With rates having fallen so far, there may no longer be a pressing need to own your house outright before you call it quits at the office. Read the full article at Time.
5/24/2013 - Leaving Behind Digital Keys to Financial Lives
by admin on May 24, 2013 8:28 pm
Bob Ginsberg, a retired production manager for an educational publisher, is worried that he does not know any of the logins and passwords for online accounts belonging to his partner or brother and they do not know his. Read the full article at The New York Times.
5/23/2013 - Average U.S. 401(k) balance tops $80,000, up 75 percent since 2009
by admin on May 23, 2013 11:49 pm
The average 401(k) retirement balance for U.S. workers hit a record high of $80,900 in the first quarter, a growth spurt of 75 percent since the stock market’s nadir in March 2009, Fidelity Investments said on Thursday based on a survey of its accounts. Read the full article at Reuters.
5/22/2013 - African-Americans Retire Earlier, With Less Savings
by admin on May 22, 2013 11:41 pm
The new retirement age is getting younger for many Americans who can least afford to retire. A study released Tuesday by Prudential finds African-Americans retire earlier than the general population on average, despite significantly lower retirement savings. Read the full article at CNBC.