Category: financial security 2013

4/8/2013 - The People’s Choice for the People’s Pension

by on April 8, 2013 5:17 pm
Social Security, the most transparently self-financed program of the federal government, is not increasing our budget deficit. The most recent trustees’ report shows sufficient funds to pay full benefits until 2033. Read the full article at The New York Times.

4/6/2013 - Shifting Our Retirement Savings Into Automatic

by on April 6, 2013 5:04 pm
Many problems are so complex that even if we had the money to fix them, we wouldn’t know how to do it. Fixing inner-city schools, reducing obesity, creating peace in the Middle East are just a few examples. But some problems are frustrating in another way: we know how to fix them and we can… Read more 4/6/2013 - Shifting Our Retirement Savings Into Automatic

4/3/2013 - Misperceptions of Benefits

by on April 5, 2013 4:10 am
President Obama had Senate Republicans nodding in agreement during a recent ice-breaking dinner as he described a basic problem for the nation’s fiscal future: For each dollar that Americans pay for Medicare, they ultimately draw about $3 in benefits. What’s more, he added, most people do not understand that. Read the full article at The… Read more 4/3/2013 - Misperceptions of Benefits

4/3/2013 - Dementia Care Cost Is Projected to Double by 2040

by on April 3, 2013 6:51 pm
The most rigorous study to date of how much it costs to care for Americans with dementia found that the financial burden is at least as high as that of heart disease or cancer, and is probably higher. And both the costs and the number of people with dementia will more than double within 30… Read more 4/3/2013 - Dementia Care Cost Is Projected to Double by 2040

4/2/2013 - Are you a born retirement saver?

by on April 2, 2013 5:32 pm
Are some people born to save and others not? Is it nature or is it nurture? Well, a new study on this age-old debate suggests that—at least when it comes to saving for retirement—it’s more nature than nurture. You are either hard wired to save or not. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
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3/25/2013 - Boomers Feeling (Slightly) More Financially Secure

by on March 25, 2013 6:00 pm
Worried about keeping or finding a job, paying down debt and having enough money to retire, Boomers overall have been more pessimistic than any other age group when it comes to their own financial security. Read the full article at CNBC.
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3/25/2013 - Expense and Emotions in Preparing for Long-Term Care

by on March 25, 2013 5:53 pm
The emotional impact of witnessing the decline of a family member or helping to care for one is often the reason people seek coverage for long-term care, people who work in the aging field say. Read the full article at  The New York Times.
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3/25/2013 - For Older Americans, a Deepening Debt Problem

by on March 25, 2013 5:50 pm
Your money may be as tight as your skin, but the true gift of your youth is one of the most powerful tools of financial planning: time. If you are a senior in retirement and in debt, however, all you may possess is a feeling of powerlessness as time slips away. Read the full article at The… Read more 3/25/2013 - For Older Americans, a Deepening Debt Problem
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3/22/2013 - U.S. Retirement Poll: The Big Lie And The Big Fantasy

by on March 22, 2013 6:24 pm
The Employee Benefit Research Institute just rolled out its 23rd annual Retirement Confidence Survey and before you roll your eyes — another retirement survey?! — let me mention that it’s the mother of them all. Read the full article at Forbes.
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3/20/2013 - U.S. workforce grows older as workers postpone retirement

by on March 20, 2013 7:05 pm
American workers are pushing their retirement further down the road finding that rising life expectancies mean they’ll need more income. Some say these older workers could bring an opportunity for companies to create new work models to accommodate older workers. Read/listen to the full story at Public Radio International.