Category: Financial Landing 2014

4/28/2014 - Timing Social Security: How emotion clouds logic (CBS MoneyWatch)

by on April 28, 2014 4:49 pm
It seems that people tend to ignore logical arguments for delaying Social Security benefits and let aversion to loss influence them more, a common behavioral finance phenomenon. That’s one of the many conclusions from an interesting study recently conducted by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and Matthew Greenwald and Associates. The two organizations conducted focus… Read more 4/28/2014 - Timing Social Security: How emotion clouds logic (CBS MoneyWatch)

4/26/2014 - A billion shades of grey (The Economist)

by on April 28, 2014 4:04 pm
WARREN BUFFETT, who on May 3rd hosts the folksy extravaganza that is Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders’ meeting, is an icon of American capitalism (see article). At 83, he also epitomises a striking demographic trend: for highly skilled people to go on working well into what was once thought to be old age. Across the rich… Read more 4/26/2014 - A billion shades of grey (The Economist)

4/25/2014 - 6 key things to know about retirement

by on April 25, 2014 6:46 pm
Many people don’t do much planning before deciding to retire, and they use simplistic strategies to deal with financial risks. As a result, they’re vulnerable to the risk of financial shocks that may cause them to struggle financially in their later years. That’s the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the Society of Actuaries… Read more 4/25/2014 - 6 key things to know about retirement

4/24/2014 - Obamacare will let Americans retire earlier (Vox)

by on April 24, 2014 8:27 pm
If people can get health insurance without a job, they’re likelier to stop working. And that means Obamacare might encourage people to retire earlier, according to a new study. Read the full article at Vox.

4/23/2014 - How realistic is it to say you'll never retire? (CBS MoneyWatch)

by on April 24, 2014 3:40 pm
Recent surveys show that more people are saying they plan to delay their retirement or might never retire. Is this realistic — or wishful thinking? Read the full article at CBS MoneyWatch.

4/22/2014 - Retirement Remains Americans' Top Financial Worry (Gallup)

by on April 24, 2014 3:39 pm
A firm majority of Americans, 59%, are worried about not having enough money for retirement, surpassing eight other financial matters. A majority of Americans have reported being “very” or “moderately” worried about retirement savings every year since 2001, illustrating that saving for retirement disquiets Americans in both good and bad economic times. Read the full… Read more 4/22/2014 - Retirement Remains Americans' Top Financial Worry (Gallup)

4/19/2014 - Deciding when to take Social Security benefits (Christian Science Monitor)

by on April 21, 2014 6:38 pm
Many current retirees decided to begin taking Social Security retirement benefits well before their full retirement age—the age at which a beneficiary is entitled to receive a full Social Security retirement benefit based on her lifetime earnings record. In some cases, need drove the decision to take early benefits; in others, fear about the long-term… Read more 4/19/2014 - Deciding when to take Social Security benefits (Christian Science Monitor)

4/18/2014 - Taking a Job Out of the Financial Equation (New York Times)

by on April 21, 2014 6:36 pm
No pensions. Roller-coaster retirement accounts. Longer lives and higher health care costs. Aging parents. Children in college. A will to work but fewer jobs to be had. It is a familiar and potentially disastrous mix for the generation now entering retirement. And worse, most do not have a clue how to plan for it, according… Read more 4/18/2014 - Taking a Job Out of the Financial Equation (New York Times)

4/16/2014 - Workforce aging as boomers stay on the job (BenefitsPro)

by on April 17, 2014 9:55 pm
The Employee Benefit Research Institute has further quantified boomers’ role in the workforce by crunching data found in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey. EBRI’s report, “Labor-force Participation Rates of the Population Ages 55 and Older, 2013,” reveals that more than 40 percent of today’s workers are age 55 or older. Additionally, participation has… Read more 4/16/2014 - Workforce aging as boomers stay on the job (BenefitsPro)

4/15/2014 - The Retirement Reality Gap (U.S. News & World Report)

by on April 17, 2014 4:42 pm
The new post-Great Recession economy has taken its toll on retirees, as well as those of us looking forward to retirement in the near future. Unfortunately, there’s something of a reality gap between what today’s workers think about retirement and what actually happens in retirement. Here’s a look at the perceptions and the realities. Read… Read more 4/15/2014 - The Retirement Reality Gap (U.S. News & World Report)