Category: Longevity News 2015
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9/8/2015 - For some states, a focus on older workers
by admin on September 8, 2015 8:59 pm
All states, with the exception of Arkansas and South Dakota, have laws barring age discrimination, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Many of these laws mirror the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. In some states, such as California, Michigan and Minnesota, the prohibition against age discrimination is included in a… Read more 9/8/2015 - For some states, a focus on older workers
9/7/2015 - Did grandmas make people pair up?
by admin on September 7, 2015 9:04 pm
Human longevity from grandmothering tied to human coupling If you are in a special relationship with another person, thank grandma – not just yours, but all grandmothers since humans evolved. “It looks like grandmothering was crucial to the development of pair bonds in humans,” says Hawkes, senior author of the new study published online in… Read more 9/7/2015 - Did grandmas make people pair up?
9/6/2015 - Test shows how old your body really is
by admin on September 6, 2015 4:25 pm
Scientists say they have developed a way of testing how well, or badly, your body is ageing. Read the full article t BBC News.
9/4/2015 - Raising the Retirement Age: A Sneaky Way to Reduce Social Security Benefits
by admin on September 4, 2015 4:49 pm
Some Republican candidates are promoting a policy change that would hurt workers by disguising it with a pleasant-sounding phrase. Read the full article at The Atlantic.
9/3/2015 - Tableware designed for Alzheimer's patients
by admin on September 3, 2015 2:33 am
For Sha Yao, watching her late grandmother’s decline at the unrelenting hands of Alzheimer’s disease prompted the industrial designer to take creative action in the form of assistive tableware. With years of research and observation under her belt, Yao set to work creating and perfecting Eatwell, an assistive tableware set designed specially for patients with… Read more 9/3/2015 - Tableware designed for Alzheimer's patients
9/1/2015 - Your heart is probably much older than you think, the CDC warns
by admin on September 1, 2015 9:44 pm
You may feel young at heart, but with apologies to Frank Sinatra, that’s probably a fairy tale. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the average American man has a heart that’s 7.8 years “older” than his chronological age; for women, the comparable “heart age” is 5.4 years higher than her… Read more 9/1/2015 - Your heart is probably much older than you think, the CDC warns
8/31/2015 - Supplements Don’t Fight Cognitive Decline, N.I.H. Study Says
by admin on August 31, 2015 10:25 pm
Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants are often marketed to promote brain health. But one study to test these supplements has found no evidence that the pills stave off cognitive decline in older people. Read the full article at The New York Times.
8/31/2015 - Will Mandating 'Healthy Happy Meals' Solve Childhood Obesity?
by admin on August 31, 2015 8:36 pm
Last year, a member of the New York City council proposed the “Healthy Happy Meals” bill, which if passed would require that fast-food meals marketed to children comply with several nutritional guidelines, including that they contain no more than 500 calories worth of food. It’s one of many legislative moves meant to counteract childhood obesity… Read more 8/31/2015 - Will Mandating 'Healthy Happy Meals' Solve Childhood Obesity?
8/27/2015 - New spoons and plates make it easier for people with Alzheimer's to eat
by admin on August 28, 2015 2:41 am
When Sha Yao, winner of the inaugural Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge, was caregiving for her late grandmother who was living with Alzheimer’s, she quickly realized daily activities had become major obstacles for her beloved family member. One of the biggest hurdles for her grandmother was a seemingly simple activity: eating. So she developed… Read more 8/27/2015 - New spoons and plates make it easier for people with Alzheimer's to eat
8/27/2015 - Global life expectancy rises, but people live sicker for longer
by admin on August 27, 2015 8:22 pm
People around the world are living longer, but many are also living sicker lives for longer, according to a study of all major diseases and injuries in 188 countries. Read the full article at Reuters.