Category: Longevity News 2015
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5/26/2015 - For big data to help patients, sharing health information is key, experts say
by admin on May 26, 2015 4:56 pm
A key message from Stanford’s annual big data conference was that realizing the potential of precision health means sharing massive amounts of medical and behavioral data. Among the speakers was Laura Carstensen, Founding Director of the Center on Longevity. Read the full article at Stanford School of Medicine.
5/25/2015 - Peeking Into Healthy Brains to See If Alzheimer's Is Brewing
by admin on May 25, 2015 5:49 pm
Sticky plaque gets the most attention, but now healthy seniors at risk of Alzheimer’s are letting scientists peek into their brains to see if another culprit is lurking. Read the full article at ABC News.
5/25/2015 - Diabetes May Be a Risk Factor for Developing Alzheimer’s, Studies Find
by admin on May 25, 2015 4:49 pm
Two recent studies show blood-sugar levels can affect the brain—-adding new evidence that diabetes might be a significant risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
5/22/2015 - How to Pick the Optimal Retirement Age
by admin on May 22, 2015 5:53 pm
The classic retirement age continues to resonate with working Americans. A recent Gallup survey found that workers expect to retire at an average age of 65, down slightly from 66 in 2014. Read the full article at US News and World Report.
5/20/2015 - Did we get the ‘old-age dependency’ of aging countries all wrong?
by admin on May 20, 2015 6:28 pm
The old-age dependency ratio has a fundamental weakness: its current definition still makes us believe that after 65 you become an “old-age dependent.” Yet this will simply not be true in the future. Read the full article at The Brookings Institution.
5/20/2015 - A promising trend in taking Social Security benefits
by admin on May 20, 2015 6:19 pm
Not all news is bad when it comes to Social Security benefits. A recent study of claims data shows that the percentage of workers turning age 62 who start Social Security benefits at that age has declined significantly since 1996. Read the full article by Center on Longevity Research Scholar Steve Vernon at CBS MoneyWatch.
5/20/2015 - When it comes to prevention, diet and exercise are key
by admin on May 20, 2015 3:34 pm
This Monday was the sixth annual Stanford Women’s Health Forum, hosted by Stanford’s Women and Sex Differences in Medicine center (WSDM). The forum focused on prevention, and the keynote, delivered by Marcia Stefanick, PhD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and WSDM director, highlighted physical activity and weight management as the key preventative actions for women to take. … Read more 5/20/2015 - When it comes to prevention, diet and exercise are key
5/19/2015 - Studies Confirm Brain Plaque Can Help Predict Alzheimer’s
by admin on May 19, 2015 6:23 pm
The largest analysis to date of amyloid plaques in people’s brains confirms that the presence of the substance can help predict who will develop Alzheimer’s and determine who has the disease. Read the full article at The New York Times.
5/18/2015 - Is It Ordinary Memory Loss, or Alzheimer’s Disease?
by admin on May 18, 2015 9:18 pm
Fears about memory issues, commonplace among those of us who often misplace our cellphones and mix up the names of our children, are likely to skyrocket as baby boomers move into their 70s, 80s and beyond. Many may be unwilling to wait to have their memories tested until symptoms develop that could herald encroaching dementia… Read more 5/18/2015 - Is It Ordinary Memory Loss, or Alzheimer’s Disease?
5/18/2015 - Difficult conversations about long-term care
by admin on May 18, 2015 9:08 pm
More than two-thirds of people age 65 and older will need some type of long-term care at some point, according to experts. Yet conversations about long-term care options — and how to pay for them — are sorely lacking among families, surveys suggest. Read the full article at The Boston Globe.