Category: Longevity News 2015

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4/27/2015 - America's Workforce Is Aging And That's Just Fine

by on April 27, 2015 5:05 pm
America’s workforce is aging, with nearly a third of workers now over 50 and employees over age 65 outnumbering teenage workers for the first time since 1948. Should we worry? Not at all, says a study by Aon Hewitt for AARP, the nonprofitmembership organization for people age 50 and over. The report, published Monday, asserts… Read more 4/27/2015 - America's Workforce Is Aging And That's Just Fine
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4/27/2015 - Drop-In Chefs Help Seniors Stay In Their Own Homes

by on April 27, 2015 4:57 pm
A healthy diet is good for everyone. But as people get older, cooking nutritious food can become difficult and sometimes physically impossible. A pot of soup can be too heavy to lift. And there’s all that time standing on your feet. It’s one of the reasons that people move into assisted living facilities. But a… Read more 4/27/2015 - Drop-In Chefs Help Seniors Stay In Their Own Homes
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5/27/2015 - From Success to Significance: A Legacy of Purpose for Longer Lives

by on April 27, 2015 4:51 pm
Longer life means more time for family, friends and leisure, but the opportunities to make a difference in the world are bigger than that. For those fortunate to have the talent, perspective and the commitment to seize the day and act, longer life means the possibility to reinvent and re-imagine life, find new purpose and… Read more 5/27/2015 - From Success to Significance: A Legacy of Purpose for Longer Lives
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4/24/2015 - What Sweden and Japan Can Teach the U.S. About Its Aging Workforce

by on April 24, 2015 5:06 pm
Around the globe many countries are facing a similar question: how to cope with a population where older residents will soon outnumber those who are typically considered working age, and what to do about elderly citizens who may not have enough money to make ends meet for the duration of their lives. One of the… Read more 4/24/2015 - What Sweden and Japan Can Teach the U.S. About Its Aging Workforce

4/23/2015 - High morale linked to longer survival among elderly

by on April 23, 2015 6:15 pm
Whether it is cause or effect is unclear, but high morale seems to go along with a longer life, according to a new Scandinavian study. Read the full article at Reuters.
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4/22/2015 - We Need a Role Reversal in the Conversation on Dying

by on April 22, 2015 5:43 pm
In most doctor-patient conversations, the doctor leads the way. But when it comes to planning for the end of life, we need a role reversal. The patient — you — may have to take the lead in conducting end-of-life conversations. While this may seem surprising, remember that dying is essentially a social and intimate family… Read more 4/22/2015 - We Need a Role Reversal in the Conversation on Dying
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4/22/2015 - Why Gen Xers May Be More Prepared for Retirement Than Boomers

by on April 22, 2015 4:50 pm
In the face of future hardship, some Gen Xers are actually improving their savings habits. Read the full article at Time.
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4/21/2015 - Work in Retirement? Don’t Bet on It

by on April 21, 2015 4:44 pm
Not saving enough for retirement? If you’re like many others in the same situation, you have probably decided you’ll make up for lost time by postponing retirement. But as an annual retirement survey released Tuesday makes clear, working longer often proves an elusive goal—and for many, it’s an unrealistic way to bail out a retirement savings deficit.… Read more 4/21/2015 - Work in Retirement? Don’t Bet on It
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4/21/2015 - The Common Retirement Assumption That's Flat Wrong

by on April 21, 2015 4:43 pm
In order to make up for retirement savings shortfalls, workers of all ages appear to be planning to retire later, on average, than similarly aged workers were in years past. But it’s not a solid strategy for retirement preparedness, because actual retirees continue to report that they retired before they expected, warns Craig Copeland, co-author of the Employee Benefit… Read more 4/21/2015 - The Common Retirement Assumption That's Flat Wrong
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4/20/2015 - How Baby Boomers Are Creating Their Own Retirement Communities

by on April 20, 2015 5:59 pm
Rather than settling down in traditional assisted living facilities, some are turning to shared homes and cohousing communities. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.