Category: Longevity News 2015

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9/23/2015 - Why Millions of Americans Are Raiding Their Retirement Savings

by on September 23, 2015 5:21 pm
Yes, you can tap your 401(k) early, but it’s a terrible idea. With the effects of the financial crisis still lingering, 30 million Americans in the last 12 months tapped retirement savings to pay for an unexpected expense, new research shows. This undercuts financial security and underscores the need for every household to maintain an… Read more 9/23/2015 - Why Millions of Americans Are Raiding Their Retirement Savings
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9/22/2015 - Researchers Identify Possible Physiological Cause of Brain Deficits with Aging

by on September 22, 2015 4:20 pm
Like scratchy-sounding old radio dials that interfere with reception, circuits in the brain that grow noisier over time may be responsible for ways in which we slow mentally as we grow old, according to the results of new studies from UC San Francisco on young and older adults. Read the full article at UCSF News.
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9/22/2015 - Is Decision Making Impaired With Aging?

by on September 22, 2015 4:19 pm
Age-related changes in decision making is a topic that is increasingly becoming an important consideration as we embrace working past traditional retirement age. Evidence suggests that as we grow older there are cognitive and affective changes in the way we process information. All decisions whether small or large can be disadvantaged or enhanced dependent upon… Read more 9/22/2015 - Is Decision Making Impaired With Aging?
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9/22/2015 - An Aging Population, Without the Doctors to Match

by on September 22, 2015 4:14 pm
We talk a lot these days about what constitutes a good way to die. There’s also much discussion about the art of healthy aging. But largely absent from the conversation are all the people between the two. People who aren’t dying but who grow more frail. People who have significant health concerns. People who suddenly… Read more 9/22/2015 - An Aging Population, Without the Doctors to Match
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9/21/2015 - Exercise May Help Keep an Aging Mind Agile

by on September 21, 2015 8:51 pm
Regular exercise may help seniors’ minds stay as agile as their bodies, a new study finds. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.
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9/21/2015 - Stanford longevity design winner brings dementia place setting into production

by on September 21, 2015 2:17 pm
Helping people live not just longer but better lives is the goal of Stanford’s Center on Longevity, and last year it held a Design Challenge to scope out great ideas for doing so. The winner of that competition is no longer just a design; Eatwell is moving into production.  Read the full article at Scope.
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9/19/2015 - As Alzheimer's Symptoms Worsen, Hard Conversations About How To Die

by on September 18, 2015 8:39 pm
In this installment of NPR’s series Inside Alzheimer’s,  Greg O’Brien is interviewed about his decision to forgo treatment for another life-threatening illness. A longtime journalist in Cape Cod, Mass., O’Brien was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease in 2009. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
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9/18/2015 - U.S. startups aim to help seniors 'age in place'

by on September 18, 2015 6:17 pm
As more American seniors plan to remain at home rather than enter a nursing facility, new startups and some well-known technology brands are connecting them to family and healthcare providers. Read the full article at Reuters.
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9/17/2015 - Dementia-friendly businesses can help ease anxiety

by on September 17, 2015 6:17 pm
To ease the anxiety and frustration of customers with dementia, and to help people working in local businesses understand their special needs, some advocacy groups have begun training programs to help make companies and communities more dementia-friendly. Read the full article at CBS News.
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9/16/2015 - The Rituals of Modern Death

by on September 16, 2015 5:55 pm
These days only about one in five people dies at home. Most die in hospitals or nursing homes. A unique and telling set of rituals has grown to be associated with death and dying in the hospital. Read the full article at The New York Times.