Category: Longevity News 2016
1/19/2016 - Connected Horse Project pairs dementia patients with horses in new therapy program
by admin on January 19, 2016 11:15 pm
A new program conducted at Stanford Red Barn, home to the Stanford equestrian team, offers guided workshops with horses to teach young people with early onset dementia to build confidence, trust and a sense of community. Read the full article at The Stanford Daily.
1/19/2016 - Doctors get less aggressive care before death
by admin on January 19, 2016 10:24 pm
Doctors tend to get less aggressive care before death than the average person, a new study finds. Read the full article at Reuters.
1/19/2016 - A new approach to do-it-yourself retirement planning
by admin on January 19, 2016 9:29 pm
With the decline of traditional pensions, many older workers and retirees face a “do it yourself” retirement: You’re on your own to figure out how to make your retirement savings last for the rest of your life. With retirements that can extend 20 to 30 years or more, this is indeed a daunting challenge for… Read more 1/19/2016 - A new approach to do-it-yourself retirement planning
1/19/2016 - New online service targets aging-in-place residents
by admin on January 19, 2016 5:22 pm
HomeAdvisor, an online marketplace for home repair, maintenance and renovation services, has partnered with the National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC) to launch an online resource center focused on the needs of individuals who want to age in place. The resource center provides articles and advice, project cost information and connects homeowners with prescreened local… Read more 1/19/2016 - New online service targets aging-in-place residents
1/15/2016 - F.T.C.’s Lumosity Penalty Doesn’t End Brain Training Debate
by admin on January 15, 2016 10:07 pm
Lumosity’s ads, seemingly ubiquitous, appeared on television, radio and podcasts. The company purchased hundreds of search engine keywords so that computer users seeking information on dementia, Alzheimer’s and memory would encounter its online ads. Broader questions of whether cognitive training works, and for whom, still generate considerable debate, given that human brains change and grow… Read more 1/15/2016 - F.T.C.’s Lumosity Penalty Doesn’t End Brain Training Debate
1/15/2016 - Can We Delay Aging?
by admin on January 15, 2016 9:39 pm
Research on animals suggests we could improve humans’ healthy lifespan. Read the full article at Next Avenue.
1/14/2016 - Could This Urine Test Predict Alzheimer's Disease?
by admin on January 14, 2016 9:44 pm
Scientists might be able to predict Alzheimer’s earlier than originally thought. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.
1/12/2016 - ObamaCare’s $1,200 Pay Cut
by admin on January 13, 2016 5:45 pm
In a working paper, Center on Longevity faculty affiliates Gopi Shah Goda and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford, and Monica Farid of Harvard exploit the fact that some 37 states had extended dependent-coverage mandates of varying rigor and comprehensiveness before the Affordable Care Act. They explore these differences to estimate the results of the uniform national… Read more 1/12/2016 - ObamaCare’s $1,200 Pay Cut
1/11/2016 - Raising Retirement Age Disproportionately Hurts Poor
by admin on January 11, 2016 5:47 pm
The rich are increasingly outliving the poor, meaning policies aimed at delaying retirement could disproportionately hurt low socioeconomic status workers, new research shows. Read the full article at Bloomberg.
1/11/2016 - Do our aging cells get smarter, not sicker?
by admin on January 11, 2016 5:43 pm
The general view of aging is that as we get older the cells in our bodies begin to malfunction and, as a result, we get sick. However Yves Barral, a biochemistry professor at ETH Zurich who studies yeast cells, thinks the view that flawed cell function causes us to age and get sick is too… Read more 1/11/2016 - Do our aging cells get smarter, not sicker?