Category: Longevity News 2016
3/17/2016 - Study Finds Public Pension Promises Exceed Ability to Pay
by admin on March 17, 2016 8:41 pm
Researchers at Citigroup say the groundwork has been laid for conflicts across the developed world: Governments have promised much more than they can most likely pay to current and future retirees, without revealing the disparity to investors who bought government bonds and whose investments could be at risk. Read the full article at The New… Read more 3/17/2016 - Study Finds Public Pension Promises Exceed Ability to Pay
3/17/2016 - Europe Bets on Robots to Help Care for Seniors
by admin on March 17, 2016 8:38 pm
Mechanical aides can pick up groceries and take out the trash. Read the full article at Bloomberg.
3/17/2016 - Is a mandatory U.S. retirement saving plan in your future?
by admin on March 17, 2016 8:25 pm
Make a list of the most toxic words in American politics, and “employer mandate” certainly would be in the top 10. Requiring employers to provide health insurance to workers is one of the most controversial features of the Affordable Care Act – along with the requirement that individuals buy insurance. Read the full article at… Read more 3/17/2016 - Is a mandatory U.S. retirement saving plan in your future?
3/14/2016 - Interaction benefits toddlers and elderly alike
by admin on March 14, 2016 6:46 pm
Bridging the generation gap is nowhere more evident than in the successful merging of two institutions in Japan and in the United States that are thought to be tasked with diametric missions. The partnership between preschools and nursing homes, which is being closely watched by specialists in both fields, has positive implications for both rapidly… Read more 3/14/2016 - Interaction benefits toddlers and elderly alike
3/14/2016 - Reinventing Yourself
by admin on March 14, 2016 6:43 pm
Maybe you lost your job, or your interest in the job you’ve been doing. Maybe a divorce or death in the family has threatened your economic stability. Maybe you think you’re now too old or lack the training to switch to something more satisfying or remunerative. I interviewed several people in similar circumstances who reinvented… Read more 3/14/2016 - Reinventing Yourself
3/14/2016 - The most important letter you may ever write
by admin on March 14, 2016 7:00 am
Decisions about end-of-life care are often left to others who, while well-intentioned, may opt for treatments that can cause suffering and pain and lead to an undignified end, says Stanford palliative care expert and Center on Longevity affiliate V.J. Periyakoil, MD. “I tell people that proxy decision-making is one situation where those who love you… Read more 3/14/2016 - The most important letter you may ever write
3/12/2016 - Not ready to retire, but not finding work
by admin on March 12, 2016 6:21 pm
A GAO report in 2012, the most recent available, said unemployed workers 55 and older were the least likely to find another job. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
3/11/2016 - The Reason I Hate The Word 'Retirement'
by admin on March 11, 2016 10:22 pm
“Retirement? For me, that conjures images of decrepit people slumped in wheelchairs and quasi-dazed elders aimlessly trying to fill an excess of hours. Mention retiring, and my brain rushes in with a slew of unappealing synonyms. Shrinking. Receding. Disengaging. Backing away. Withdrawing. Shutting down. Bottom line: living a life of minutia and boredom, devoid of… Read more 3/11/2016 - The Reason I Hate The Word 'Retirement'
3/11/2016 - Quit Your Job
by admin on March 11, 2016 10:17 pm
A midlife career shift can be good for cognition, well-being, and even longevity. “When people get to their mid-career phase, they want to give back and do something meaningful,” says Philip A. Pizzo, the director of Stanford’s program, the Distinguished Careers Institute. Read the full article at The Atlantic.
3/9/2016 - Are some of us protected from Alzheimer's?
by admin on March 9, 2016 5:41 pm
In the battle to cure Alzheimer’s disease, the two hallmark proteins that clog the brains of people with the deadly dementia – amyloid and tau – have received most of the attention. But dementia experts have long known that some people whose brains were riddled with these misfolded proteins still had good cognitive function throughout… Read more 3/9/2016 - Are some of us protected from Alzheimer's?