Category: Longevity News 2016
2/26/2016 - Keeping mentally active doesn’t stave off Alzheimer’s disease — only its symptoms
by admin on February 26, 2016 7:02 pm
The prevailing wisdom about dementia is simple: Keep your mind active as you age to lower the risk of cognitive decline. But is the same true for Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia? New research suggests that the answer is no. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
2/26/2016 - Why Seniors Have the Greatest Financial Security
by admin on February 26, 2016 5:22 pm
A recent study from the Stanford Center on Longevity unearthed an interesting anomaly. While the financial security of Millennials and Gen Xers had dropped significantly from 2000 to 2014, it has risen slightly for baby boomers ages 65 to 74, according to The Sightlines Project. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.
2/25/2016 - Nursing Home Evictions Strand The Disabled In Costly Hospitals
by admin on February 25, 2016 11:21 pm
What if you had to go to the hospital, and when it came time to return home, your landlord said you couldn’t move back in? Across the country, thousands of nursing home residents face that situation every year. In most cases, it’s a violation of federal regulations. But those rules are rarely enforced by the… Read more 2/25/2016 - Nursing Home Evictions Strand The Disabled In Costly Hospitals
2/22/2016 - Why You Need Friends in Retirement
by admin on February 22, 2016 10:11 pm
An old Carole King song captures the emotional value of having a friend. New research from the Stanford Center on Longevity confirms it, saying that social engagement promotes physical and mental health, while social isolation costs people both personal and medical problems. According to the study, “socially isolated individuals face health risks comparable to those… Read more 2/22/2016 - Why You Need Friends in Retirement
2/18/2016 - How Design Thinking Can Help Us With Aging
by admin on February 18, 2016 9:39 pm
Design competitions give a glimpse into what our future lives may be like. Read the full article at Next Avenue.
2/18/2016 - Retiring Rich Is Looking Less Likely for These Americans
by admin on February 18, 2016 9:12 pm
For every age group under 65, the prospects for a financially sound retirement have diminished over the past 15 years, new research shows. Soaring student debt and falling access to employer-sponsored savings plans are two of the troubling trends putting a squeeze on younger groups’ financial security, according to a study from the Stanford Center… Read more 2/18/2016 - Retiring Rich Is Looking Less Likely for These Americans
2/17/2016 - New Study Links Widening Income Gap With Life Expectancy
by admin on February 17, 2016 7:48 pm
You might have heard about the widening income gap. You might not know there’s a life expectancy gap as well. The rich are outliving the poor by a wider margin than ever before, according to a new study by the Brookings Institution. NPR’s Ari Shapiro talks with co-author Gary Burtless about the study. Read the… Read more 2/17/2016 - New Study Links Widening Income Gap With Life Expectancy
2/12/2016 - Living to 100: An action plan
by admin on February 12, 2016 7:23 pm
Living to 100 could soon be as American as apple pie. A majority already say that’s their expectation, according to a recent survey. The problem is, many people aren’t taking the action steps they need to live long and well. Sponsored by the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL) in partnership with Time magazine, the survey… Read more 2/12/2016 - Living to 100: An action plan
2/12/2016 - Disparity in Life Spans of the Rich and the Poor Is Growing
by admin on February 12, 2016 7:16 pm
Experts have long known that rich people generally live longer than poor people. But a growing body of data shows a more disturbing pattern: Despite big advances in medicine, technology and education, the longevity gap between high-income and low-income Americans has been widening sharply. Read the full article at The New York Times.
2/11/2016 - Survey: Most Americans Want to Live to 100
by admin on February 11, 2016 5:08 pm
As the 21st century progresses, more Americans will live longer than they ever have. And as it turns out, the majority of us are just fine with those projections. According to a new survey by the Stanford Center on Longevity, in partnership with TIME, most Americans want to live to their 100th birthday. The catch?… Read more 2/11/2016 - Survey: Most Americans Want to Live to 100