Category: Longevity News 2016
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2/11/2016 - Stanford project suggests longer, healthier lives are possible
by admin on February 11, 2016 2:35 pm
A Stanford Center on Longevity analysis shows how to enhance longevity and well-being through healthy living, financial security and social relationships. Read the full article at Stanford Report.
2/9/2016 - The Future of Fraud-Busting
by admin on February 9, 2016 4:20 pm
Technology has opened the door to new and more pervasive forms of fraud: Americans lose an estimated $50 billion a year to con artists around the world, according to the Financial Fraud Research Center at Stanford University. Here’s how leading fraud researchers, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, and computer scientists think technology can be put to work to fight… Read more 2/9/2016 - The Future of Fraud-Busting
2/6/2016 - Times Have Changed; What Should We Call ‘Old People’ ?
by admin on February 6, 2016 12:09 am
If you know someone who actually saw Elvis Presley on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” chances are they’re 65 or more. What do you call them, seniors? That’s so high school. Old – sounds a little rude. NPR’s Ina Jaffe reports about people over 65 all the time. She’s been covering the beat for years and… Read more 2/6/2016 - Times Have Changed; What Should We Call ‘Old People’ ?
2/5/2016 - Aging Parents And Loss Of Wealth In Widowhood
by admin on February 5, 2016 6:29 pm
It’s a classic situation with aging parents in their 80s and 90s. Men in their generation often earned the money in the family and handled investments. When the wives become widows they are unsophisticated about finances. Read the full article at Forbes.
2/4/2016 - How student debt hits your retirement
by admin on February 5, 2016 1:23 am
Whether you dream of exotic travel, carefree hours with grandchildren, or just a chance to put your feet up for once, retirement fantasies are something many Americans enjoy. It helps, though, if you can afford to retire. And new research suggests that student debt, of all things, may be the latest challenge facing people saving… Read more 2/4/2016 - How student debt hits your retirement
2/4/2016 - The Gender Pay Gap Haunts Women in Retirement Too
by admin on February 5, 2016 1:21 am
Women’s retirement income is stretched thinner than men’s because they earn less and live longer. Read the full article at TIME.
2/3/2016 - Healthy brain linked to active sex life in old age
by admin on February 3, 2016 1:26 am
A healthy sex life in old age may help keep the brain healthy as well, though this connection may not work the same way for both sexes, a U.K. study suggests. Read the full article at Reuters.
2/2/2016 - A New Vision for Dreams of the Dying
by admin on February 2, 2016 10:10 pm
For thousands of years, the dreams and visions of the dying have captivated cultures, which imbued them with sacred import. Even the law reveres a dying person’s final words, allowing them to be admitted as evidence in an unusual exception to hearsay rules. Now a team of clinicians and researchers led by Dr. Kerr at… Read more 2/2/2016 - A New Vision for Dreams of the Dying
2/1/2016 - Pursuing the Goal of Healthy Aging
by admin on February 1, 2016 10:10 pm
In 1980, Dr. James F. Fries, a Stanford University physician who studied chronic disease and aging, proposed that a “compression of morbidity” would enable most people to remain healthy until a certain age, perhaps 85, then die naturally or after only a brief illness. Now, a group of experts on aging envisions a route to… Read more 2/1/2016 - Pursuing the Goal of Healthy Aging
1/29/2016 - Retirement Spots With Affordable Health Care
by admin on January 29, 2016 6:56 pm
Out-of-pocket health care costs for retirees vary considerably by state. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.