Category: Longevity News 2015
7/6/2015 - 'Old-age protein' may cause memory loss
by admin on July 6, 2015 8:21 pm
The next time you forget where you left your car keys, you might be able blame an immune protein that builds up in your blood as you age. The protein impairs the formation of new brain cells and contributes to age-related memory loss—at least in mice, according to a new study. Blocking it could help… Read more 7/6/2015 - 'Old-age protein' may cause memory loss
7/5/2015 - Dementia and gender: Looking past age
by admin on July 5, 2015 3:18 pm
Nearly two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s disease are women, and now some scientists are questioning the long-held assumption that it’s just because they tend to live longer than men. Read the full article at The Philadelphia Inquirer.
7/1/2015 - Older Athletes Have a Strikingly Young Fitness Age
by admin on July 1, 2015 8:30 pm
Older athletes can be much younger, physically, than they are in real life, according to a new study of participants in the coming Senior Olympics. The study found that the athletes’ fitness age is typically 20 years or more younger than their chronological age, providing a clear inspiration to the rest of us to get… Read more 7/1/2015 - Older Athletes Have a Strikingly Young Fitness Age
7/1/2015 - How to Talk About Dying
by admin on July 1, 2015 3:02 pm
“We still need to transform the cultural norm from not talking about how we want to live at the end of life to talking about it. The real work to close the gap is not just for doctors and patients. It’s for mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, families and friends. We have to bring… Read more 7/1/2015 - How to Talk About Dying
6/29/2015 - Can Technology Ease The Burden Of Caring For People With Dementia?
by admin on June 29, 2015 4:29 pm
UCSF, along with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is beginning a $10 million study funded by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation. Researchers plan to develop a dementia “ecosystem,” which aims to reduce the cost of caring for the growing number of dementia patients and to ease the strain on caregivers. Read… Read more 6/29/2015 - Can Technology Ease The Burden Of Caring For People With Dementia?
6/24/2015 - Study: Couples Aren't Talking Enough About Retirement Plans
by admin on June 24, 2015 5:27 pm
Couples are worrying more about their retirement savings. Maybe they should start by figuring out how much they have saved in the first place. When asked how much in savings they collectively have, or how much their partner makes in income, many couples get the answer to basic questions wrong, according to a survey for… Read more 6/24/2015 - Study: Couples Aren't Talking Enough About Retirement Plans
6/24/2015 - Social Model Hospice Homes May Revolutionize End-of-Life Care in the U.S.
by admin on June 24, 2015 5:22 pm
The “social model” hospice home, an uncommon prototype for hospice care, may have great promise for resolving some future end-of-life issues in the U.S. The number of social model hospices in this country is currently small but growing at a steady pace as communities grapple with the question of how best to provide care for… Read more 6/24/2015 - Social Model Hospice Homes May Revolutionize End-of-Life Care in the U.S.
6/21/2015 - When should you take the car keys from an aging parent?
by admin on June 21, 2015 9:13 pm
It’s the conversation no adult child wants to have, the family dynamic few want to discuss publicly. But the pain pours out on an Alzheimer’s help line, where middle-aged sons and daughters call crying, afraid to tell mom or dad it’s time to stop driving, and equally afraid not to. Read the full article at… Read more 6/21/2015 - When should you take the car keys from an aging parent?
6/19/2015 - At Home, Many Seniors Are Imprisoned by Their Independence
by admin on June 19, 2015 5:26 pm
Almost two million people over age 65, or nearly 6 percent of those Americans (excluding nursing home residents), rarely or never leave their homes, researchers recently reported in JAMA Internal Medicine. The homebound far outnumber the 1.4 million residents of nursing homes. Read the full article at The New York Times.
6/19/2015 - Alzheimer’s Supplements Targeted by U.S. Senator
by admin on June 19, 2015 3:15 pm
Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri this week raised concerns about dietary supplements that claim to protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and urged 15 major companies and retailers to explain why they sell dubious supplements. Read the full article at The New York Times.